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Report Corruption
Report Corruption

Our future is at the mercy of what we do today.

Corruption must not be part of the legacy that we leave for future generations.

Do your part to fight corruption, today!

Do not tolerate corruption or suffer from its effects in any way. Exercise your right and power to fight it, regardless of who the offender might be.


Whistleblower platform for reporting corruption

Anonymity & Confidentiality Guaranteed

We provide a platform that anyone in the world can use for reporting whoever else that may be known to or suspected of engaging in corruption or other actions that are aligned with corruption within the borders of Zimbabwe.

When you use this platform, no other person can ever know who you are. You are given the choise to hide your name and other identifying details when you make your report to us.

Development Today

Successful development of Zimbabwe is enabled by fair participation of everyone in industry and commerce.

Sustainable future

We owe future generations of Zimbabwe a future that is sustainable and comfortable to exist within.

What We Do

As a youth organization that works alongside statutory agencies like the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) and ZACC to action the mandate of the Zimbabwean government on fighting corruption, ZNYAC provides the following services:

  • Investigating reports of corruption in the Zimbabwean society

  • Working with the police force (ZRP) to bring corruption cases to court

  • Providing education and training to members of the public about corruption and ways of eradicating it

  • Providing education and training to members of the public about corruption and ways of eradicating it

Find out more

Know someone who may be a victim of corruption? We Can Help.

Get In Touch

Education & Training Workshops

We introduce and emphasise on a common culture among Zimbabwean youths and adults by calling on them to act responsibly and virtuously. We also take a leading role in the national effort to eradicate bad governance and corruption in Zimbabwe.

At ZNYAC, we run workshops around Zimbabwe to educate people on the following areas about corruption, with emphasis on united and inclusive efforts in fighting corruption:

  • What is corruption

  • Causes of corruption

  • Effects of corruption and strategies to combat corruption

  • How to promote good governance, accountability and good leadership

We offer basic training on how to report, investigate, proper documentation of corrupt activities. ZNYAC mobilises youth groups around anti-corruption advocacy, awareness and sensitisation with the help of innovative approaches through which to inspire and engage them in the long-term program to tackle corruption.

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