We fight all forms of corruption to ensure that every person in Zimbabwe gets an equal chance to contribute towards development. We investigate and take offenders to court.
If you are know someone who is engaging in corruption of any kind, please report to us by filling our form on this website. Your cooperation is vital to us.
Engaging in corruption if unfair to society as it compromises the standards at which individuals perform their duties in public and private offices. We believe that the youths of Zimbabwe have an obligation to participate at the fore-front of fighting corruption, and so, we provide them with a platform to do so, and invite everyone else to participate. We believe in joint action being the only way through which corruption can be won in Zimbabwe.
Our mission is to enforce the initiative by the Government of Zimbabwe to join the global fight against corruption. We are a youth-led movement established under the laws of Zimbabwe to mobilize young people to join the fight against corruption.
Our organization was founded on and is guided by the ethical belief that, no individual is immune to prosecution in Zimbabwe where corruption is involved. This is regardless of any social position or rank, or professional office held.
We promote active youth involvement and intervention in governance initiatives and anti-corruption strategies in the country. We also empower the youth with knowledge and skills that enable them to play a meaningful role in designing, implementing and evaluating good governance, development and poverty alleviation policies and initiatives.
At ZNYAC, we believe the following:
ZNYAC was formed, and is run by a group of professionals who are qualified in business administration, accountancy, and law enforcement.
Free from political affiliation
Exists to fight for your rights
Free Services. No payment
Local, regional, and international coverage.
Authorised by:
Office of President & Cabinet
Zimbabwe Youth Council
Authorised by:
Office of President & Cabinet
Zimbabwe Youth Council
ZNYAC is a non-profit organisation that operates under the mandate of the Government in Zimbabwe to investigate corruption. We accept reports from members of the public regarding cases of alleged or known corruption. Our approach is non-discriminatory, meaning that we will accept reports in a fair manner.
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